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curitiba oral Manuela Gortz

curitiba oral Manuela Gortz

Despite Product-Service Systems (PSS) research being largely developed lately, applications are still limited in parts by implying changes in consumer practices. One of the main barriers is in the change of perception since some types of PSS propose the satisfaction of needs without product ownership, which highlights emotional aspects and involves a change in social behavior. This paper aims to characterize the contribution of Emotional Design in the Functional Economy and PSS. We discuss the concepts of Functional Economy, PSS and Emotional Design. We developed a bibliographic research for the definition of the theoretical background and applied the content analysis method to collect and analyze data. The results show that the contribution of Emotional Design in PSS for Functional Economy is of four distinct natures: (1) Strategies in Product Design (visceral, behavioral and reflective levels); (2) Emotional, psychological and cognitive aspects; (3) Experiences; and (4) User-centered design.

Authors: Manuela Gortz, Décio Estevão do Nascimento

Conventional data collection methods in design projects, such as questionnaires and interviews, often result in inaccurate data, which is sometimes superficial for comparison and analysis. Therefore, the use of more empathic techniques can contribute to the collection and analysis of in-depth and real data. The purpose of this research is to describe the application of the card sorting technique associated with storytelling in a Product-Service System project for sustainability. As a result, these techniques contributed in understanding the preferences of the user regarding the proposal of a sustainable urban garden PSS, with an automated irrigation system. In this way, the application of the card sorting associated with storytelling allowed the identification of opportunities and challenges of the feasibility of implementing a service that offers an urban garden Product-Service System with a focus on sustainability.

Authors: Manuela Gortz, Alison Alfred Klein, Evelyne Pretti Rodrigues, Félix Vieira Varejão Neto, Henrique Kozlowiski Buzatto, Aguinaldo dos Santos