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Design for sustainability and ICT: a household prototype for waste water recycling

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ICT can play a role in environment preservation, to face degradation of the ecosystem, and innovation, to satisfy emerging needs. This research focuses on experimental application of interaction design methodologies and digital technologies to foster the transition towards sustainability in the framework of a wider interdisciplinary research about the development of a system for recycling water at home to grow edible plants. An iterative design process, articulated in prototyping-evaluating-improving cycles, has been implemented, with the involvement of different stakeholders, to develop the interaction system applied to manage waste water and information flows needed to control water decontamination, plant irrigation and lighting. The paper reports the main features of the system and the main outcomes of the user studies.

Authors: Fiammetta Costa, Marco Aureggi, Luciana Migliore, Paolo Perego, Margherita Pillan, Carlo Emilio Standoli, Giorgio Vignati


Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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