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Transition Design – Presentation and educational approach

In the wake of Richard Heinberg and Rob Hopkins’s theories, the concept of Transition Design has found its place at the EESAB-Brest. It has been put in place to offer a curriculum to future designers with the aim of responding with a personal and creative approach to social and environmental issues related to the energy transition induced by the depletion of fossil fuels. This paper presents our approach, based on developing and transmitting resources on eco-friendly materials, multidisciplinary cooperation, local actions, the recovery of traditional know-how, methodologies for analysing and exploiting features of a specific territory, thinking about the adaptation of local knowledges to other territories, respect for others, moral and intellectual integrity of project partners and respectful and empathic communication. We conclude by presenting student projects to give concrete examples of our educational actions.

Authors: Erwan Geffroy, Manuel Irles, Xavier Moulin

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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