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Design for All to Sustainability for All society

In the context of the evolution of Design sustainability for All, Design for All is the specific and coherent approach of design culture for human diversity, social inclusion and equality. This contribution presents the progress of a study conducted by the Design Research Unit at the University of Chieti-Pescara, on the possible relationships, intersections and synergies of Cross-fertilization between Design for All and Design sustainability for All, and developed on the basis of some research questions: What is the role of Design for All in the transition to Sustainability for All society? What is the required update with respect to its current theoretical, methodological and applicative tools? It is the natural evolution of a debate promoted by IEA/Sub-Technical Committee “Ergonomics and Design for sustainability”, whose first results were discussed at the IEA (International Ergonomics Association) conferences.

Authors: Antonio Marano, Giuseppe Di Bucchianico

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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