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beijing oral Zhang Li

The teacher of the Department of Industrial Design, College of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology, based on the sustainable design and design cognition of bamboo, has long been focusing on the patent mining and development of traditional bamboo product redesign and bamboo processing tools. In 2017, he was awarded the 1st Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund Project of the Ministry of Education as a major member to participate in the construction of a national social science fund art project and the “Guangdong Province Green Design Innovation Course”. He has obtained 4 invention patents, 40 utility model patents and 40 design patents. Instruct students to receive 2 IF Awards, 1 Red Dot Award, Taiwan Guangbao Innovation Award and several domestic and international design awards.

Oral Presentations: 

On the Collaborative Models for Design Schools Engaging in the Sustainable Development of Traditional Bamboo Crafts

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