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beijing oral Hong Hu

Hong Hu is the associate professor in Beijing University of Technology. She is the executive vice-director of China Service Design Development Research Center and the member of a council of Design Education Branch of China Industrial Design Association.

She is the committee of experts on Service Design of Beijing Design Society and the council member of Zhongguancun Industrial Design Industry Association. Hu is invited to become the visiting professor of School of Design and Art, Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai and one of the expert members of the National Union of Art Education Experts in Colleges and Universities

Her main research directions are service design, interaction design and design strategy. She has published more than 50 academic and educational reform papers in professional academic journals, international and national industrial design conferences, and she has two of monographs including Design Thinking and China Service Design Development Report 2016.

Oral Presentations:

Research of Sustainable Product Service Systems on Chinese Minority Brand Context

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