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beijing oral Zhang Yuanyuan


Zhang Yuanyuan ( phd student )

Education Background

Aademy of Art & Design, Tsinghua University

landscape assessment and design, environmental art and design

Research Project

Responsible for completing the ‘ knowledge and practice’ (知行) project of graduate school in Tsinghua University.

Participate in ‘Research on China Landscape Assessment system’, ‘Research on Landscape Assessment and the Holistic Design Issue in Yanqing County, Beijing’, ‘Training Project of the Creative Design Talents for New Urbanization’, ‘Research on Color Design of Historic Block in Beijing’, ‘Study on Light and Color Design of Boeing Airplane Cabin’.

Paper Publications

Analysis of landscape preference focusing on landscape paintings between chinese and western

Consideration about the environment investigation and landscape planning: the case of of Xidong Village, Anhui province

The Analysis on the Pavilion Bridges Artistry in the Summer Palace

Study on the Color Aesthetic Characteristic of Beijing History Architecture

Oral Presentations:

Study on the Landscape Policy and Usage Situation : A Case of Xiadu Park in Yanqing County, Beijing

Additional Info

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