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curitiba oral Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite

curitiba oral Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite

The aim of this work is to present an initiative to take advantage of the PLA waste discarded and to carry out experiments through the process of mechanical recycling of the material. PLA is a biopolymer from renewable sources that is extensively used in 3D printing in form of filament. The PLA waste is recovered on an additive manufacturing services bureau and goes through a mechanical recycling process in Materials and Design Laboratory at University of State of Pará. Some researches are conducted with the purpose of evaluating the material performance when added natural fibers such as jute and açaí. As impact on sustainability it increases awareness of sustainability in additive technologies and encourages research about the PLA recycling and developing of new materials and products with this recycled material.

Authors: Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite, Leticia Faria Teixeira, Lauro Arthur Farias Paiva Cohen, Nubia Suely Silva Santos


The Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) is a public university located in the city of Belém (Pará, Brazil). It has adopted the Product-Service System (PSS) for car use which has proved to be effective and has brought benefits such as discharging the institution from bureaucratic issues regarding vehicle ownership. The adoption of the PSS at the university contributes to the advancement towards a more sustainable society. The objective of this work is to generate initial PSS proposals for UEPA, which will be the first step for its implementation. In order to reach the objective, a brainstorming and analysis of the conceptual elements of the PSS found in the literature were performed, generating at the end seven PSS proposals that may be better studied, generating new research and, in the future, implemented.

Authors: Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite, Jamille Santos dos Santos, Alayna de Cássia Moreira Navegantes, Vinícius Lopes Braga, Agatha Cristina Nogueira de Oliveira da Silva, Antonio Erlindo Braga Jr.


In the current context of high environmental degradation and bad living conditions for a large part of the population around the world, there is a great need to develop projects and research with a focus on sustainability. For this reason, LeNSin has emerged the International Learning Network on Sustainability, a project that is spreading around the globe with the aim of forming a new generation of designers and educators who can contribute to the transition to a sustainable society focusing on the models of Distributed Economy and Product-Service System. The purpose of this document is to present the process of implementation of the LeNS project in the Amazon region, specifically at the Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA - Pará State University) presenting the challenges faced, the solutions found, as well as the results achieved so far and perspectives for the future.

Authors: Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite, Alayna de Cássia Moreira Navegantes, Antonio Erlindo Braga Jr.


The Product-Service System (PSS) in Brazilian literature is a theme that has a wide variety of definitions, which focus on different aspects of the theme, generating different approaches. These PSS aspects analysis will contribute to discussions development on the subject. Thus, the objective of this work is to define which approaches Brazilian researchers use to conceptualize this theme. To achieve this goal, a Brazilian literature review was carried out, collecting and grouping the definitions used in each article. As a result, a table was obtained with six groups of PSS concepts: Environment; Innovation; Integration/ Combination; Use-oriented/ Manufacturer’s property; Service-oriented; and Value. It is concluded that there is no universal concept of this theme in Brazilian literature, but its definition varies depending on the focus of each research.

Authors: Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite, Antonio Erlindo Braga Jr.