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Initial proposals for the implementation of the Product-Service System at the Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA)

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The Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) is a public university located in the city of Belém (Pará, Brazil). It has adopted the Product-Service System (PSS) for car use which has proved to be effective and has brought benefits such as discharging the institution from bureaucratic issues regarding vehicle ownership. The adoption of the PSS at the university contributes to the advancement towards a more sustainable society. The objective of this work is to generate initial PSS proposals for UEPA, which will be the first step for its implementation. In order to reach the objective, a brainstorming and analysis of the conceptual elements of the PSS found in the literature were performed, generating at the end seven PSS proposals that may be better studied, generating new research and, in the future, implemented.

Authors: Camilla Dandara Pereira Leite, Jamille Santos dos Santos, Alayna de Cássia Moreira Navegantes, Vinícius Lopes Braga, Agatha Cristina Nogueira de Oliveira da Silva, Antonio Erlindo Braga Jr.


Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

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