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Model for the development of Open Source products MOD+RE+CO+DE

Written by Willmar Ricardo Rugeles Joya, Sandra Gomez Puertas, Nataly Guataquira Sarmiento.

The teaching of sustainable strategies for product design should be structured to propose a fast transition to circular
production models, more suitable for the optimal management of resources currently available. These models must
be articulated from the academy in each of the stages of product design and allow an open collaborative development
of the knowledge generated, so that it be appropriated quickly with tools that facilitate the integration of sustainable
methods, concepts and objectives. Mod+Re+Co+De is an exercise that unites diverse concepts, seeking that
this transition takes place sooner in the academy and that can transcend to the design of circular products.

Authors: Willmar Ricardo Rugeles Joya, Sandra Gomez Puertas, Nataly Guataquira Sarmiento.

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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