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A different definition of generative design

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There are different definitions of “generative design”, but this research is focused on the role of generative design
to support and provoke creative thinking; it means, as a developer of a common language that everyone can use
to express their ideas —“everyone” includes all social stakeholders, even whom Ezio Manzini calls “diffuse agents”
or those who experience the problem and for this reason become a fundamental source for the creation of possible
An important fact to consider is: creativity does not happen inside a person’s head but in the interaction between
a person’s thoughts and a socio-cultural context (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996); as Sanders (2001) has stated collective
creativity can be very powerful and can lead to more culturally relevant results than individual creativity does.
Here relies the importance of studying this perspective as an important piece of sustainable development,
which “embodies integration, and understanding and acting on the complex interconnections that exist between the
environment, economy, and society ” (Drexhage & Murphy, 2010).

Authors: Erica Marlene Cortes López

Additional Info

  • Venue: Mexico

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