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Spiral Dynamics: a visionary set of values for humanity's sustainable

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Wouldn’t it be easier that we all agree on the perspective to tackle contemporary problems? That we have a clear vision
on the future and based on it we choose our stand or react to a situation. If for instance, a caravan of thousands
of migrants arrives to our country: what is the best perspective? What is the future that we want to create? What is
the way of acting with full integrity? And more important, what are the values that guides us? Why are so many people
choosing to become vegetarian, buying solar cells for their homes or rain collectors, choosing to use their bicycle
over their car? Is it just a trend? Is the level of consciousness really rising in the society? Designers are taking a stand
and working actively for proposing ideas into the wicked problems and driving social innovation. As a guild, there
should be agreements and a shared heterogenic vision.

Authors: Sergio Dávila Urrutia

Additional Info

  • Venue: Mexico

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