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The aim of this paper is to bring a reflection about the design of systemic approaches focused on food and territory. This broad and complex field of study can be categorized as a wicked problem (WP): a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because its deep and broad roots result in interdependent, inter-related and emergent socioeconomic and environmental impacts, for which there is no single set of objective response or approaches from a Design point of view (Rittel & Webber, 1973; Buchanan, 1992). The reflection is based on the discussion of WP theory and its relation with sustainability, followed by a brief review of the concepts of Systemic Design (SD), and its convergence towards a fresh understanding of wicked problems in the context of sustainability. With this aim, three Brazilian initiatives related to food and territory were selected to reflect on possible design contributions.

Authors: Priscilla R. Lepre, Leonardo Castillo, Lia Krucken

Interest in urban agriculture as well as the various forms of zero kilometre production for domestic use, necessarily
passes through the redefinition of the parallel system of building components, both regarding technological and
innovation level of the built space, towards their progressive integration: from independent solutions or simply superimposed
on the building, towards increasingly hybrid forms, as expression of an increasingly integrated collaboration
between architecture, agriculture and design. The result is the progressive replacement of traditional products
with elements and components directly integrated in construction by composition and technology. The paper presents
the first results of the design research whose objective is to experiment the possible applications to the contexts
of the built space, to the different scales of the project, of a product system for the recycling of washing waste in a
domestic environment for the production of plants. edible products underway at the Design Department of the Milan

Authors: Attilio Nebuloni, Giorgio Buratti, Matteo Meraviglia

The paper discusses a new approach to eliminate Cut and Sew Waste (CSW), at the construction stage of garment-
making called DPDC, a synthesis of designing, pattern-making, draping and cutting & incorporating zero-
waste techniques using one-piece fabric. The objective is to create an open source of templates for the design
community to integrate in their pattern-making frameworks. Taking reference from step-by-step origami, using only
a rectangle or a square paper as the starting point, the translation of folds from paper onto fabric led to interesting
discoveries in terms of construction and wearability. Since the construction of the garment follows a very simplistic
approach, it moulds in accordance with the wearer’s body. In addition to effective fabric management, this technique
offers production and financial incentives in terms of fabric utilisation.

Authors: Pragya Sharma