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The purpose of this collaboration is to offer elements for discussion on the role of intersections among art, design, and
technology in the socialization of environment problematic. To do it concretely, it is appealed the case of an interactive
piece called trasTocar (to disrupt) exhibited in Zanbatha, the municipal museum in the inner state of México.
The exposure scheme starts with the environmental situation addressed, particularly from the Anthropocene
Crutzen´s concept, to engage it with the pollution in the wetlands of the natural federal reserve next to the Lerma
river´s in Toluca Valley. Later, it is described the interactive object proposal based on cybernetic Lotman´s communication
theory which under the premise that human beings alter their environment use the digital art medium to
participate in a dialogue through interaction. Finally, the results are shown.

Authors: Ana Carolina Robles, Rodrigo Rosales

The paper reports on a study exploring co-designing and co-creation (collaboratively) with the main stakeholders – residents, landlords and designers– in prototyping a design system for tackling sanitation and environmental issues within a section of a deprived community in Kumasi, Ghana. The aim was to explore the benefits of including stakeholder voices in decision-making in sanitation planning; as well as analysing the contributions of stakeholders (landlords, tenants, and residents) in improving their environment through sanitation and sustainable environmental practices. Interviews, focus group discussions and ethnographic activities were employed in collecting data for the study. Even though the results indicated stakeholders (co-designers) in such collaborative (design intervention) approach will want their voices be heard in decision-making in sanitation planning and environment that will boost the self-efficacy of their sanitation. But more importantly, the study unpredictably tended to restore peace and befitting relationships, as unhealthy factions and differences between two ruling classes in the community created unsavoury attitude to insanitary conditions.

Authors: Patrick Gyamfi, Edward Appiah, Ralitsa Debrah

This thesis boldly proposes the concept of sustainable “unfinishedism” (leaving development space and room for future generations). The author discovers the “unfinishedism” in the art fields through correlation research and focuses on the “unfinishedism” concept in fashion design according to her professional direction,and systematically classifies and develops the possibility of “unfinishedism”in all stages of fashion creation.

Through research and practice, a variety of clothes have been designed under the concept of “unfinishedism”,such as zero-waste clothes, multi-purpose dresses, variable colour patterns shirts, and corn Eco-fur coats... The design and implementation of this concept are expected to awaken people‘s sustainable slow fashion design concepts, taste interesting interaction, and picking up a moderate frugal lifestyle.

In the end, the author extends “unfinishedism” to non-artistic disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, ecology, and human development to analyze the significance of its existence.

Authors: Huanhuan Peng