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milan oral Dr. Diane Pruneau

Doctor Diane Pruneau is Professor at the Université de Moncton, in Canada. Specialized in environmental education, she is the Director of the Littoral et Vie Research Group, that conducts various research projects and pedagogical interventions in environmental education. The research group’s objective is to educate adults and young people to environmental subjects to help them become aware of the state of their environment and to accomplish environmental actions. Dr Pruneau’s research programs have dealt with the understanding of the link people have with their environment, health and environmental education, climate change education, teaching science in a minority language community, sustainability competences and the use of design thinking in environmental education.

Examples: research projects

- Experimentation of a pedagogical model that facilitates the person-group-society-environment relationship

- Study of the evolution of students’ ideas on climate change

- The process of change experienced by people during the attempts at new pro-environmental behaviours

- Pedagogical strategies that improve young people’s decision making capacities in environment

- Study of environmental leaders’ competencies

- The use of design thinking for accompanying people in climate change adaptation

Oral Presentations:

Using Design Thinking and Facebook to Help Moroccan Women Adapt to Climate Change Impacts

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: Université de Moncton

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