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mexico oral Gabriela Sandoval Andrade

I was born in Mexico City on July 2, 1986. In 2004 I entered the Bachelor of Industrial Design at Universidad Iberoamericana, finishing in 2008. For 5 years I was part of the team of Lighteam S.C., where I worked as project designer in residential, commercial, heritage and historical buildings. In 2011, I studied the specialty in Architectural Lighting, Architecture Division, UNAM, in order to upgrade my knowledge in this area.

Later on in 2013 I got into Industrial Design Master at UNAM, in the area of ​​technology. I obtained the degree with the thesis "Technological innovation for the agro-ecological production chinampera. Projects of restoration and ecological conservation of Xochimilco". My expectation towards my professional practice is to find ways to exercise design as a discipline capable of developing strategies, which might be performed regarding the current socio-environmental issues, approaching an environmental and cultural sustainability. Currently I work as a professor at the Universidad Panamericana.

Oral Presenations:

The social construction of environmental crisis and reflections on the sustainability debate

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