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milan oral Chiara Battistoni

Chiara Battistoni is an Italian Eco and Systemic Designer born in 1988 in Torino (Italy). Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Management, Production and Design in Politecnico di Torino (Italy) since November 2016, working with the Systemic Design Research Group in the Department of Architecture and Design lead by Silvia Barbero (before Luigi Bistagnino).

Thanks to the bachelor degree in Industrial Design and the master in Ecodesign (now “Systemic Design, Aurelio Peccei”), she is actively interested in sustainable environmental design and her main line of research centres on the territorial potentialities reached thanks to the Systemic Design Approach. She had the possibilities to start to explore this research field in the master thesis and in some collaborative projects like research fellow with international partners like Zeri foundation.

Currently her PhD centers on the relationship between Systemic design, sustainability and entrepreneurship, finding the best way to implement systemic and circular projects to reach zero waste and a sustainable local development. Since April 2016, she is also collaborating in the European project Interreg Europe RETRACE and since 2015 she is the teacher assistant of the course ‘Systemic Design’ in Politecnico di Torino (Italy).

Publishing activity:

Oral Presentations:

What really matters? Systemic design, motivations and values of the circular economy companies in Italy

Is Design playing a role in the realisation of Circular Economy projects in Europe? A case study analysis.

Additional Info

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