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beijing oral Xu Ji

Xu Ji is currently the associate head of Industrial Design Department in Industrial Culture Development Center (ICDC) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of the Chinese government. He received a Master‘s degree in Management of Innovation and Design Industry (MIDI) from Université de Lorraine and a Master’s degree in Innovation Technology and Gestion Industrial (ITGI) from Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV in France. With more than 10 years’ experience in Industrial Design management, Xu Ji has been striving to enhance national industrial design advancement through designing strategies to balance regional industrial design development, thus to promote manufacturing transformation and upgrading. He also serves as associate director of China Service Design Development Research Center (CSDC), associate secretary of 2016 Chinese Industrial Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) committee, and associate secretary of 2017 national Industrial Design Center Review committee.

Oral Presentations:

Bioinspired structures in lightweight product design with Additive Manufacturing

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