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milan oral Reino Veenstra

Despite being an Industrial Design Engineer, which she became in 2000 at Delft Technical University, she concentrated more on research than designing industrial products. She started off in a research project at the university for the Ministry of Social Affairs, and after half a year became the general manager of an ergonomic design and consultancy company, named De Vesting Design. Two years later she decided to start her own venture in ergonomic consultancy under the name illand, and additionally got back in education and research at Delft Technical University. Currently she teaches at the Hanze University Groningen and researches at the University of Groningen. The core of her teachings is still design methodology, but her field of interest switched from human centred- to world centred design; or -You-CD to -DoubleYou-CD.

Oral Presentations:

Environmental Product Optimisation: an integral approach

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: University of Groningen

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