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milan oral poster Carlo Vezzoli

For 20 years, he has been researching and teaching on design for sustainability. At the Design department of the Politecnico di Milano University, he is professor of product Design for environmental Sustainability and System Design for Sustainability as well as head of both the research group Design and system Innovation for Sustainability (DIS) and the Lab Learning Network on Sustainability_Italy (LeNS_LAB Italy). Among others, since 2007 he is founder of the Learning Network on Sustainability which is a worldwide multipolar network of networks of  design Higher Education Institutions covering all continents, with the aim of diffusing design for sustainability with an open and copy left ethos. He is now coordinating The LeNSin EU funded (Erasmus+ program) 3 years project involving 36 Universities as partners from Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, India, China, United Kingdom, The Netherland, Finland and Italy. His book Design for Environmental Sustainability has been published in English (London: Springer, 2008), Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Taiwanise and Spanish. His most recent book Product-Service System design for Sustainability (London: Greenleaf, 2014), will be soon published even in Chinese, Thai and Portuguese.


Oral Presentations:

System Design for Sustainability for All. A new knowledge base and know-how developed within the LeNSin Project

Additional Info

  • Affiliation: Design Department, Politecnico di Milano
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Question and Answer  

# milan Arianna Primavera 2019-04-01 13:48
Post a question
# Milan Elena Belova 2019-04-01 13:49
Why sustainability is an important aspect?
# Milan Siqi 2019-04-01 13:51

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