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Paulo Cesar Machado

Paulo Cesar Machado

The materials classification increases in complexity as new materials are constantly released on the market. The furniture designer, usually a designer or architect, needs to stay current with the emergence of new wood panels, new composites, new metal alloys, and so on. The choice of materials is a crucial moment in the project, as it marks the transition between the conceptual design for the actual project. The currently available classifications are generalist and, strictly speaking, fit for any product. However, the practice shows a difficulty in selecting the most appropriate materials considering the specific area of each project. The present article initially demonstrates the difficulty of the available tables, shows case studies in furniture projects and finally presents a classification proposal focused on furniture design.

Authors: Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, Emanuele de Castro Nascimento, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, Franchesca Medina, Luana Toralles Carbonari

Wednesday, 27 March 2019 13:39

Automatic Composter For Home Use

Nowadays, many concepts such as sustainability, environmental-friendly products, green solutions, concern for the planet, etc. are recurring topics. However, very little is still done towards achieving these. Reversing the current scenario is only possible with the commitment of all those in different spheres: governmental leaders, industrials, companies, and especially individuals. Designers can be particularly useful in this process from a prominent position, since they can strongly contribute to the creation of new products, protocols and materials. This paper shows a project aimed at alleviating one of the major problems currently found: organic waste management. The solution proposed is a new concept of automatic composter for residential use.

Authors: Maycon Manoel Sagaz, Designer, Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, Dr Eng.


The design of furniture is an area in constant evolution. The development of new materials (especially wood panels and transformed special metal hardware) allied to modularization and standardization has facilitated the process design. The aspects of sustainability (social, economic and environmental) must be present in furniture design. It is considered as a tendency that furniture should be designed so that assembly could be made without screws or tools. For this, the use of alternative materials like bamboo, coconut fibre, sisal, recycled materials and hemp can contribute in the reduction of the environmental impact. Assembly with these materials is simpler. The entire process contributes to the understanding of the real meaning of the LCD (Life Cycle Design) and designing for the life cycle.

Authors: Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, Natália Geraldo