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curitiba oral Camila Lopes

curitiba oral Camila Lopes

The current environmental problems have brought forth a demand for professionals who can conceive their products and services in a manner which is less harmful to the environment. Therefore, university courses must set up a curricular structure focused on this approach, both in terms of specific disciplines and of interdisciplinarity. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the emphasis currently placed on environmental issues in the curriculum of UEL (State University of Londrina) Graphic Design course. For that purpose, documentary research was carried out in state and federal laws and bibliographical research in scientific articles, books and theses. In addition, a specific diagnosis was made via a questionnaire applied to the course students, as well as an interview with one student, based on several different themes. The results have shown that we are in a transition phase, i.e. some educational laws and policies have already incorporated the need to address environmental issues effectively in the curriculum, while others have not. Our analysis of the course curriculum has shown that it still fails in this respect, since although it includes the Design for Sustainability discipline, the main emphasis of the course is still placed on marketing aspects.

Authors: Camila Santos Doubek Lopes, Gabriela Namie Komatsu Yoshida