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Students and staff consume a staggering amount of food packaging daily with short lifespans lasting a few minutes before being thrown away. The paper created a regenerative system to improve university campuses’ sustainable lifestyles in Egypt, focusing on the German University in Cairo (GUC) as a case study. The GUC is self-sufficient where services and products are produced on campus. However, attention is not given to packaging of food served. Therefore, the paper’s main focus is on the system of serving food at the GUC with the aim of implementing the outcome on other campuses. The outcome targets youth who tend to follow trends easier and faster and lifestyles in universities will positively influence society. This research used behavioural studies on participants studying and working at the GUC to gain information about packages consumed daily. The system improves sustainability by reducing carbon emissions, money spent on packages, and landfill space.

Authors: Nariman G. Lotfi, Sara Khedre