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curitiba oral Isabel Cristina Moreira Victoria

curitiba oral Isabel Cristina Moreira Victoria

In the last centuries, we have been presenting modification and destruction of natural resources. The establishments of Conservation Units (CU’s) have been approached as a way to minimize biodiversity losses. Recently, the relation between Conservation Units and human population that live in them is one of the biggest challenges in the CU’s management, as the imposing of new controlling mechanisms for their use. In this context, this article has as objective to present the Casulo Verde’s pilot project, having as its object of study the Serra do Tabuleiro’s State Park, located in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Through a systemic approach of design management, the project aims to improve the community’s relationship surrounding the CU’s and the visiting experience for tourists. From design management techniques, it has been possible to understand the main problems of the Visitors Center of the Serra do Tabuleiro State Park, as well as identifying viable opportunities.


Larissa Fontoura Berlato, Isabel Cristina Moreira Victoria, Luiz Fernando Gonçalves de Figueiredo