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Model-Making Courses and Approaches in terms of Sustainability: Examinaton of Industrial Design Schools in Turkey Concept

Written by Necla Ilknur Sevinc Gokmen.

Design education has been evolving to meet the needs of the future world which is shaped around the sustainability
issue. Specialized courses about sustainability are integrated into curriculum but, the integration of sustainability
into whole curriculum is vital to root sustainability in design profession. In this paper, model-making courses and
approaches of design schools from Turkey are examined to determine the integration of sustainability into design education
in Turkey. Six model-making instructors from chosen universities in Turkey are conducted semi-structured
interviews to evaluate the relationship between sustainability and model-making courses. In the light of the findings,
the solutions are offered in order to make the model-making courses more sustainable.

Author: Necla Ilknur Sevinc Gokmen

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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