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Sustainable Product Service Systems: A New Approach to Sustainable Fashion

Written by Y Rapitsenyane, R Moalosi, S Njeru

This paper aiming at the housing problem of urban young drifters, this paper explored the community service mode
which conformed to the needs of urban young drifters from the perspective of service design. Based on the Service
Experience Engineering method, this paper took “ YOU+ International youth Community” as the research case and
studied the demand trend research through context research, user research and demands analysis. Moreover, this
paper studied the service value network in terms of the stakeholder, the business model research and completed the
service prototype through the service blueprint and the service contact. With the study of the present living situation
of young drifters, this paper grasped the value of young drifters, synthesized various design means, constructed
a ‘habitation plus living’ community service model which conformed to the characteristic of young drifters. In this
way a sustainable circle of value creation would be created, and the mutual benefit of the young drifters, the community
and the city would be finally realized.

Authors: Y Rapitsenyane,R Moalosi, S Njeru.

Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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