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Exploring the Design Ethics of the Future Information Society: A Brief Design Ethics Study of “DiDi Global” as a Sociality Internet Product

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Because of the rapid increase in Internet products, such as smartphone applications, numerous innovative business
models have been created, along with some typical, attendant social problems. This is an ethics study and risk assessment
of design. “SIP” is an acronym for “Sociality Internet Products.” It was created in this study to explore a new
design epistemology point of view. The study shows analysis models of legal research first. Then it provides analysis
diagrams and statements of design, including how more indirect stakeholders are related to the system, and it proposes
several pieces of supplementary advice to help the future design of business models. Throughout this study, it
is important to understand that the sustainability of a commercial product relates not only to capitals and occupancy,
but also to a healthy and balanced relationship between citizens, society, and the environment.

Authors: Zhilong Luan, Xiaobo Lu

Additional Info

  • Venue: China

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