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Innovative Scheme Research of Shimen Citrus’ Life Cycle Based on Product-Service Design Thinking

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Shimen County is famous for its citrus, but Shimen citrus is deadly unmarketable. Many research teams and government
departments are trying new models of agricultural production and sales. They hope to find new ideas which fit
Shimen’ s conditions for agricultural development. The article tries to use sustainable product-service system design
thinking to solve the problem.
Product-service system design (S. PSSD) considers the sustainability of an industry from the three dimensions
of economy, society and environment. It attaches importance to the whole life cycle of the product.The article uses
blueprint to analyse each step of Shimen citrus’ life cycle first. Then the article uses service design method such as
SWOT and Cluster to help with the design process.

Authors: Chuyao Zhou, Jixing Shi, Jeff Lai, Amber Tan, Yuan Luo, Yongshi Liu, Shaohua Han

Additional Info

  • Venue: China

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