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The Valorization of Indigenous Culture through Upcycling

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The current model of consumption is one of the main reasons for the social and environmental problems that our society has been passing through. Currently, according to Manzini (2008) and Abreu (2016) the best answers for these issues are local actions, made by people who are directly affected by them. The designer, as a holistic professional, can become the facilitating agent who helps (through good projects, products or services) propagates these local answers. The present project is based on that. It aims to valorise and revitalize braiding knowledge of Kaingang Indigenous culture, through experimentations and development of fashion products using and resignfying textile waste (Upcycling) through native braid used in their basketry. The concept of Co-design (AGUAS, 2012) was widely used in the work with the artisans occurred. The result from this work showed that with the practice of co-creation it is motivating in the sense of including the indigenous community in the work with the university and they are being part of the results.

Authors: Jordana de Oliveira Bennemann, Eduarda Regina da Veiga, Ana Luisa Boavista Lustosa Cavalcante


Additional Info

  • Venue: Italy

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