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South-to-South solutions: an exchange of Australian and Latin American design approaches to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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This paper reports on the Design-for-Sustainability (DfS) approaches practiced in Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The study is part of a project funded by the Council on Australian Latin American Relations (COALAR) titled ‘South-to-South: activating Australian Latin American Cooperation through Sustainable Design Education’, which is a collaborative endeavour of DfS educators from 8 universities in the above-named countries. The current phase of the project involves an initial collection of 60 case studies of products, services and systems that deliver positive impacts to society, the environment and the economy in the Australia and Latin America. The SDG case studies will be shared, discussed and built on during the upcoming LeNS South-to-South educators’ symposia, students’ workshops and research collaboration dialogues.

Authors: Mariano Ramirez

Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

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