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Framework of Analytical Dimensions and Design Approaches for Social Innovation

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Considering the complexity and uniqueness of social innovations and their contribution to society in learning sustainability, this article, result of a brief summary of a master's dissertation, aims to propose a framework to facilitate the analysis of cases of social innovation, unifying analysis dimensions and design approaches. This study uses the process of designing a framework proposed by Jabareen (2009) as a guide for the research stages. As a result, the framework contains six dimensions of analysis (Emergence Conditions, Nature, Field and Actors, Resources and Dynamics, Evolution and Results), as well as Design Approaches. The framework presents itself as an advance in the research of social innovation in the field of design, apt to be applied to analyze real cases, as a strategic diagnostic tool and systemic understanding of how design can contribute to social innovations and to the issue of sustainability.

Authors: Camila Ferrari Krassuski, Liliane Iten Chaves


Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

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