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Design for Human Flourishing: Perceptual Mapping of Different Design Approaches towards Happiness and Well-Being

Written by Guilherme Toledo

This paper seeks to categorize and organize some of the existing approaches to happiness and well-being in design, by means of a perceptual map of definitions, approaches and tools found in recent literature, in order to guide possible applications towards social innovation and positive behavioral change. By the use of conceptual mapping, we aim to create an initial frame of reference which could lead towards a better discussion of the impact of design in the quality of life of users of products and services, and possibly guide design choices in projects that wish to consider both objective and subjective well-being of the user as project parameters. From this perspective, it may be possible to develop products and services which can impact directly on interpersonal relationships and on values systems, in positive and more sustainable ways.

Authors: Guilherme Toledo

Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

Question and Answer  

# milan oral Andreas Metzner-Szigeth 2019-04-04 17:54

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