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Design and Sustainability: Systematic review of literature in Brazilian PhD theses

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Several processes were developed to design products, services and, more recently, more sustainable systems in the last decades, as well as studies for a transition to less aggressive lifestyles to the planet. Although there is already a certain amount of research in this field, specifically in PhD programs, there are few ones. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate sustainability approaches in design´s PhD theses in Brazil. For that, a systematic review of literature of Design and Sustainability´s theses in the Industrial Design field was performed at Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel [CAPES]´ data basis. As results,  to understand the state of the art of PhD theses regarding Design and Sustainability in Brazil, contributing to the identification of knowledge gaps, mapping their main types and applicability, besides fomenting new PhD studies.

Authors: Marina Arakaki, Conrado Renan da Silva, Tomas Queiroz Ferreira Barata, Olímpio José Pinheiro, Mariano Lopes de Andrade Neto

Additional Info

  • Venue: Brasil

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