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The design of furniture is an area in constant evolution. The development of new materials (especially wood panels and transformed special metal hardware) allied to modularization and standardization has facilitated the process design. The aspects of sustainability (social, economic and environmental) must be present in furniture design. It is considered as a tendency that furniture should be designed so that assembly could be made without screws or tools. For this, the use of alternative materials like bamboo, coconut fibre, sisal, recycled materials and hemp can contribute in the reduction of the environmental impact. Assembly with these materials is simpler. The entire process contributes to the understanding of the real meaning of the LCD (Life Cycle Design) and designing for the life cycle.

Authors: Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, Natália Geraldo

Authors: Paulo Cesar Machado Ferroli, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto and Júlia Lange de Souza

This paper explores application of affordance in designofurban rail transit and tries to provide a supplement and expansion for traditional design theories and methods.First, thispaper gives an overview of affordance concept in ecological psychology. Second, this paper tries to expoundthe value of affordance theory in design practicethat affordance emphasizes the interaction relationshipbetween environments and occupants. Finally, this paper uses case studies to demonstrate the feasibility on combination of affordance theory with rail transit design. Concerning design practice, affordance could be used to optimize passengers’ experiences during the whole journey through effective behavioguidance, so that we will encourage more social groups to participate in this green travel.

Authors: Zhang Yu-Feng