The Conference will be hosted by Mexico City (Mexico), Curitiba (Brasil), Cape Town (South Africa), Bangalore (India), Beijing (China) and Milan (Italy). The conference will be held for 3 days (3-5 April 2019), and in each of the 6 venues it will be possible to listen to any of the presentations happening in the other ones.
The Conference is organised as part of the LeNSin, the International Learning Network of networks on Sustainability project (2015-2019). You can see the unique web platform of the project at www.lens-international.org.
The Conference is organised as part of the LeNSin, the International Learning Network of networks on Sustainability project (2015-2019). You can see the unique web platform of the project at www.lens-international.org.

Designing sustainability for All envisions a cosmopolitan approach by collecting and sharing contributions from and for all of the contexts: low, middle and high-income ones, from north, south, west and east of the world.
Designing sustainability for All is a call for contributions and actions to the whole world design community, i.e. design researchers, design educators and design practitioners.
The LeNS Conference is in fact one of the largest design international conferences for lecturers, researchers, professionals and relevant institutions and organizations. It has become a reference event where experts from all over the world get together to present and share their knowledge, projects, tools and visions to diffuse sustainability for all.

LeNS is more than a conference.
It is a meeting point for those who want to learn and share about design for sustainability with a multicultural, open and copyleft ethos. LeNS vision is to foster a new generation of designers (and design educators and researchers) capable to effectively face the challenge to envision, design and contribute to the transition towards the sustainable world for all.
The conference is targeted at academics, researchers and educators, as well as designers, engineers, businessmen, economists, policy-makers, representatives from governmental and non-governmental organizations.
The event is envisaged as an interdisciplinary arena asking to all stakeholders to adopt the ethos of promoting all possible cross-fertilizing synergies and open learning-by-sharing processes. The conference will create a vibrant and forward-thinking environment, inviting to diffuse new knowledge and share practices and experiences in the ever-increasing need to enable access to sustainability for all.
The event is envisaged as an interdisciplinary arena asking to all stakeholders to adopt the ethos of promoting all possible cross-fertilizing synergies and open learning-by-sharing processes. The conference will create a vibrant and forward-thinking environment, inviting to diffuse new knowledge and share practices and experiences in the ever-increasing need to enable access to sustainability for all.
The conference aims to be both visionary and pragmatic, and to stimulate new ways of thinking.
The scope is to share the latest knowledge and experiences around the concept of sustainability for all.
This will be achieved through cross-fertilizing a wide range of disciplines:
predominantly design, but even engineering, economy, policy-making and sociology.